Method :
(A) Temporary Resuscitation:
1- Mouth to mouth breathing.

Firstly, the operator should lie to a right angle of the supine patient. The neck of the patient is at frst extended, then the lower jaw is held upward by the thumb. After clearing the mouth secretions, the patients nose is closed. The operator must first take a deep inspiration from atmosphere and expires it into the patients mouth ensuring an air tight connection. Then the operator withdraws his mouth, and so the elastic recoil of the patienst chest leads to a passsive expiration. This procedure is repeated 15 times per minute.
2- Schafer method.

The patient is placed in prone position. the operator astride the patient, facing his head and press his hand on the lower ribs on each side of the patient. This process allows the air out [expiration]. The operator next withdraws the pressure of his hands, the patient's thorax restores the resting condition and air rushes in [inspiration]. This process in also repeated 15 times per minute.
3- Rocking method.
The patient is fixed on a rocking board and is tilted to an angle of about 45°. So that his head and feet alternatively take up and down positions. In feet downward position, the abdominal viscera pull on the diaphragm and inspiration occur, while in head downward position, the abdominal viscera presses on the diaphragm and expiration occur.
(B) Prolonged resuscitation:
1- Drinker's method.
The patient is placed with his head outside in an air tight tank. Alternative negative and positive pressure are obtained in the tank by electrical pump. The chest respectively.
2 - Inflator or ventilator.
For applying intermittent positive pressure of O2 or air and mask that fits over the mouth and nose of the patient or connected with endotracheal tube. Thus, air or O2 is forced into the lungs of the patient during the positive pressure cycles and then after that allows the air to flow passively out.
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Definition : life saving when respiration is arrested and rapidly stared after stoppage of respiration.
Method :
(A) Temporary Resuscitation:
1- Mouth to mouth breathing.

Firstly, the operator should lie to a right angle of the supine patient. The neck of the patient is at frst extended, then the lower jaw is held upward by the thumb. After clearing the mouth secretions, the patients nose is closed. The operator must first take a deep inspiration from atmosphere and expires it into the patients mouth ensuring an air tight connection. Then the operator withdraws his mouth, and so the elastic recoil of the patienst chest leads to a passsive expiration. This procedure is repeated 15 times per minute.
2- Schafer method.

The patient is placed in prone position. the operator astride the patient, facing his head and press his hand on the lower ribs on each side of the patient. This process allows the air out [expiration]. The operator next withdraws the pressure of his hands, the patient's thorax restores the resting condition and air rushes in [inspiration]. This process in also repeated 15 times per minute.
3- Rocking method.
The patient is fixed on a rocking board and is tilted to an angle of about 45°. So that his head and feet alternatively take up and down positions. In feet downward position, the abdominal viscera pull on the diaphragm and inspiration occur, while in head downward position, the abdominal viscera presses on the diaphragm and expiration occur.
(B) Prolonged resuscitation:
1- Drinker's method.
The patient is placed with his head outside in an air tight tank. Alternative negative and positive pressure are obtained in the tank by electrical pump. The chest respectively.
2 - Inflator or ventilator.
For applying intermittent positive pressure of O2 or air and mask that fits over the mouth and nose of the patient or connected with endotracheal tube. Thus, air or O2 is forced into the lungs of the patient during the positive pressure cycles and then after that allows the air to flow passively out.
Nantikan terjemahannya..huhu
Salam Dr..
Alhamdulillah..sungguh ILMIAH sekali entri kali ni ya..:)percubaan yang baik.
Jangan lupa nanti translate pula. Maklumlah saya tak faham sangat bi.Ma'alish.
ye ust farid..trima kasih tguran membina!! sungguh hebat pujian itu ye.. (^_^)
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