Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz , berkata langkah itu bertujuan mengurangkan perbelanjaan kerajaan bagi menanggung pelajar yang menuntut di luar negara."Kita kurang secara berperingkat. Ini soal kemampuan kerana perbelanjaan untuk seorang pelajar terlalu mahal. Lebih untung kalau kita belanjakan untuk orang ramai," katanya.Mohamed Nazri mengulas laporan media hari ini yang memetik beliau sebagai, berkata bahawa JPA akan menghentikan pemberian 1,500 biasiswa kepada pelajar bagi mengikuti kursus ijazah sarjana muda di luar negara tahun depan.
Namun, mereka yang mendapat tempat di universiti terkemuka seperti Oxford dan Cambridge, masih boleh memohon untuk diberikan biasiswa.
Menteri Pengajian Tinggi, Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin, berkata penamatan pemberian biasiswa itu dijangka mampu memberi kesan yang baik kepada pelajar tempatan.
Katanya, universiti tempatan bersedia menampung jumlah pelajar yang tidak dapat melanjutkan pelajaran ke luar negara berikutan keputusan itu.
"Apabila ramai pelajar tidak dihantar ke luar negara, ini bermakna ramai pelajar akan belajar di universiti yang terbaik di sini. Kita memang dari segi nak tentukan sama ada universiti itu mencapai kecemerlangan atau tidak, salah satu komponen yang penting ialah pelajar terbaik.
"Ini bukan soal tiada masalah. Dari segi IPT (Institusi Pengajian Tinggi) tempatan, kita sedia menampung jumlah pelajar," katanya di lobi Parlimen di sini.
Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, berkata pihaknya menyambut baik cadangan itu sambil menyifatkan ia akan mengurangkan bebanan kos kepada kerajaan.
"Kita menyambut baik usaha ini untuk memberikan biasiswa kepada lebih ramai pelajar tempatan. Kalau kita beri biasiswa kepada 1,500 pelajar yang belajar di luar negara, memang tak cukup juga kerana tiap-tiap tahun yang merayu pun ramai juga.
"Banyak juga universiti luar negara yang ada kampus berkembar dalam negara kita. Sekarang ini, kalau RM1 juta hanya kepada tiga orang pelajar dan bagi kursus perubatan ia menelan lebih RM1 juta. Kalau kita nak hantar pun ialah untuk pakar," kata Liow.
Liow yang juga Timbalan Presiden MCA, berkata usaha menghentikan pemberian biasiswa tidak dilihat menyekat peluang mana-mana pihak malah dilihat mampu mengantarabangsakan universiti tempatan. - Bernama
However, those who have secured entry for undergraduate studies at top foreign universities such as Oxford and Cambridge may still apply for such scholarships.
Scholarships for postgraduate studies will also be available.
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz said the move was aimed at increasing the number of scholarships for those studying at local universities and to address complaints that there were not enough scholarships for outstanding Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) students.
These scholarships are awarded on merit and take into account the student’s background.
Nazri said this would not affect the Perdana Scholarship—the 300 scholarships awarded by the PSD entirely on merit, regardless of race.
This is the second year of the Perdana Scholarship, which is solely for students doing a master’s degree or doctoral programme in all fields with emphasis on science
and technology,at world-renowned universities.
Nazri, who is also the minister in charge of PSD scholarships, said that there would always be complaints that the government was not providing enough scholarships.
“There are just too many outstanding students. Even with the new grading system, where grades are divided into three classifications, for example, A-, A and A+, there are still many students who are able to get with outstanding results.
“It’s impossible to increase the number of scholarships because we don’t have enough money for that when we also need money to focus on other areas,” he said told the New Straits Times yesterday.
The 1,500 overseas scholarships given out under the PSD’s Program Ijazah Luar Negara (PILN) overseas programme are awarded according to a race quota with 56 per cent going to Bumiputera students and 44 per cent to non-Bumiputeras.
This year, more than 15,000 students applied for the scholarships.
Nazri also refuted a claim by Federation of Malaysian Indian Organisations president A Rajaretinam that 80 per cent of the scholarships were awarded to Bumiputeras, calling it a “blatant lie”.
Read more: PSD to end sponsorship of undergrad studies abroad http://www.nst.com.my/nst/articles/PSDtoendsponsorshipofundergradstudiesabroad/Article/#ixzz0qr7GsQfO
He said the move was to reduce expenses incurred by the government in sending students to study abroad.
"We will reduce in stages...because the cost per student is too high," he told Bernama.
He said this when asked to elaborate on his statement in the media today that the PSD scholarship for undergraduates studies overseas would be phased out.
However, those who have secured entry for undergraduate studies at top foreign universities such as Oxford and Cambridge may still apply for the scholarship.
Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin said the phasing out of the scholarship would have good impact on local students.
He said local universities were prepared to accommodate students who could not pursue studies abroad because of the decision.
"When many students are not send abroad, this means many students will study in the best universities here...to gauge whether a university is excellent or not, one of the important components is having best students," he told Bernama at the parliament lobby here.
Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said he welcomed the proposal to phase out the scholarship ad it would reduce government expenditures.
"We welcome the move to provide more scholarships for local students. If we provide scholarships to 1,500 students studying overseas, it will also be not enough because every year, the number of those who appeal is also huge.
"Many foreign universities have campuses in our country. Now, RM1 million is only enough for three students and for those taking medical course, it will be more than RM1 million. If we want to send (overseas), it is for specialisation courses," he added.
Liow, who is also MCA deputy president, said he saw the move to phase out the PSD scholarship as a step towards internationalising local universities. -- BERNAMA
Read more: Phasing out of PSD scholarships to be done gradually http://www.nst.com.my/nst/articles/PhasingoutofPSDscholarshipstobedonegradually/Article/#ixzz0qr7PMBjV
1 comment:
Perbelanjaan F1 Petronas Sauber. Berjuta setahun. Yg kaya driver yg bukan anak melayu. Itu dimanakan beruk mokye disusukan, anak kandung dibuang-buang ke longkang, dlm tong sampah dll.
Student kat Mesia pun bkn dpt sekolarship tp terpaksa ambil PTPTN.
PTPTN tu pinjaman, maknanya berhutang. Jd korang blajar elok2 balik boleh ambil alih kepimpinan negara. Tp jgn lak jd kadok naik junjung.
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