Friday, November 2, 2012
Memberi salam.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tilam dan bantal kekabu
Memang legend. Dulu arwah opah ada kebun (kebun ke?) kekabu belakang umah. Pepagi dah bangun gi kupas buah kekabu, then asing biji, tapis bagai semua tu.. Ada je nak dibuat tilam la, bantal la..
As a matter of fact, smpai skrg, we all stil guna bantal kekabu kat rumah. All thanks to opah's hard work. Tak lupa mak jang yg mewarisi all that talent. I use to think that my mom tak tau how to do it..sekarang taktahula, have to ask her la tomorrow..keke ^^
Tilam kekabu pulak, camne eh nk cerita rupa dia, saiz mcm tilam biasa, but tilam tu cotton berpetak petak, i once tengok dengan mata sendiri how opah's amazing handwork masukkan kekabu tu dlm buluh kot then tolak msuk dlm tilam tu.. Sumbat sampai padat.. Fuyyyooo selesa baq hang~~
Entry kenangan, credit to my cousin, Meor yg membangkitkan hal ini via twitter. Nak nangis lak rase terkenang kemalasan gua and jadi penonton setia je tengok opah buat kerja..hadoii ape la punye cucu sulung..sorry opah :-(
Dear readers, minta sedekahkah alfatihah to my opah ya.. Semoga beliau tenang tenang di sana, dan tergolong dalam kalangan solihin.. Al-Fatihah
Cairo from Tanta
Naik train. May cost u up to LE17 for 1st class seat. Vary. Paling rendah LE5.50 tahan sikit duk ngan arab bersesak n bau yang hmmmmphhhhh *cannotdescribe* #firstworldpain . By using train, secara directnya memang perjalanan terussss ke kaherah stop station ialah Ramses.
Naik tremco ke Ramses. Ini fix charge LE10 dah sekarang. Kalau dapat kurang sbb arab dlm tu gaduh, Alhamdulillah, but now mmg sudah cecah LE10 if ke Ramses.
Naik tremco ke Muassasah. Ini mebi LE7 macam tu. Kadang dia jahat dia charge LE8 sampai bertekak dengan penumpang lain, baru kurang sikit harganya. *arab* . So, if turun di Muassasah, how to get to Cairo? Haaa amek metro kt kwsn Muassasah tu, turun di Stesen Shohada' previously known as Stesen Mubarak. Metro only cost u LE1.
Nak jimat n adventure sikit pilih la yg #3. Nak sedap duduk *yelahsangat* amek #1. Nak yg simple, harga pun standard amek #2. :-) the choice is yours.
Kedutaan Malaysia Mesir
Also known as EME.
For those yang still tak tahu, sekarang segala urusan berkaitan pelajar, dah tak dibuat di Safarah (kedutaan) Mohandeseen tetapi di ARMA a.k.a DMAK (most prefer the former), Abbasiyah.
Jadi entry ni khas utk those yang nak berurusan di ARMA, and nak ke sana but dunno how~~
First, if uols from Tanta, kena go to Cairo lah first of all Boleh refer entry before ni :-)
Then as u reach cairo, its either
1. Ramses, or
2. Muassasah.
Solution :
If sampai Ramses, boleh terus amek taxi direct ke ARMA. But this will cost u more. Estimate dalam LE25-LE35. Belum campor jammed or whatsoever. Jadi we jimat n came to next solution,
ambil Metro berhampiran, Metro only cost u LE1. So, if u are from Ramses, then that Metro station is Shohada', previously known as Mubarak. But if u are from Muassasah, then, Metro station berhampiran is either Shoubra ElKhaima (1st station) or Kuliet Zira'ah. Yang penting, ambil Metro, regardless any station, once dah dapat Metro, everything is already in control..keke ^^
Okay, da beli tiket terus naik Metro tu sampai u reached Stesen Attaba. Sini agak tricky sikit sbb u have to change platform utk ke abbasiyah route and ada 2 exit. Satu memang exit Attaba, satu lagi exit ke platform Abbasiyah. Baca sign di dinding untuk full direction. Memang ada tulis --> abbasiyah exit. Kena ingat, this happen without u having to beli new ticket pun. Use the same Metro ticket from earlier.
Nanti follow direction Ittijah Mator, sebab kita akan turun di stesen Abdou Basha.
Tadaaaa, da sampai. :-) once reached Abdou Basha station, first skali tepi tu ada pejabat pos, so terus je naik ke atas. Nanti akan nampak ARMA building. Jalan dlm 5mins mcm tu jugak la ke atas tu..haha jenuh mendaki.. LOL
Kesimpulannye, ambil Metro turun di Stesen Attaba, tukar platform ke abbasiyah (Ittijah Mator) and then turun di Stesen Abdou Basha.
P/s: if ada tak faham boleh laaa hubungi saya di 0111 66 33 736 :-) eheee
A must watch movie
- Real Steel
- The Moon That Embraces The Sun
- 3rd Hospital
Few of the movies I keep on repeating.
Tengoklah if korang ada masa :-)
Monday, August 27, 2012
dia jiwa saya
'dia jiwa saya' ni bukan lah entry berjiwang okay~
ini entry lepas rindu tahap dendam dengan my si comel
ibu dia upload gambar raya di FB~
of kos la I kena tag dan pastu spazzzzzing macam nak gila dengan pic ni~
walaupun pic aje, terbayang dah petah kata-kata dia~
jerit jerit dia :
"Acik Alia, Acik Alia"
Terima kasih Kak Long n family, jadi sebahagian dari hidup saya~
walau bukan ada ikatan darah :)
manisnya sebuah ukhuwah :)
7.47 pm
Bait 'ARaFa
Thursday, April 5, 2012
what fun today
guess what, i find it funny when i heard new KFC commercial..
its a song from balik kampung but they changed the lyrics..
so it sounds soooooo waddde lol :-)
the thing is, some of the part of the lyrics is kind of promoting their new bucket family whatsoever,
saying oooo balik makan, ooo balik makan kfc bucket family..
right after the commercial,
hot tips cakap 80% penduduk malaysia obesiti..
obes by eating junk food and oily food whatsoever (gua tak hafal la plak ayatnye kan)
okay..random i know :-P
tapi i take it seriously though..
walaupun gua diet pun cam hampeh,
gemuk tak hengat..
tapi soon insyaAllah i will..
So, korangggggg DOAKAN yaaa