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Thursday, April 5, 2012

what fun today

aku buka hotfm melalui tabby tadi,
guess what, i find it funny when i heard new KFC commercial..
its a song from balik kampung but they changed the lyrics..
so it sounds soooooo waddde lol :-)
the thing is, some of the part of the lyrics is kind of promoting their new bucket family whatsoever,
saying oooo balik makan, ooo balik makan kfc bucket family..

right after the commercial,
hotfm sengaja mebi tak sengaja..
hot tips cakap 80% penduduk malaysia obesiti..
obes by eating junk food and oily food whatsoever (gua tak hafal la plak ayatnye kan)

okay..random i know :-P

tapi i take it seriously though..
walaupun gua diet pun cam hampeh,
gemuk tak hengat..
tapi soon insyaAllah i will..


So, korangggggg DOAKAN yaaa

Sunday, April 1, 2012

untuk suamiku~

tajuk nak gempak aje kan :D haha

pic ni comel, so rase nak share :)
memang kita memandang langit yang sama.
tapi terpikir jugak, tengah2 dok mendongak langit,
agaknya, bakal suami pun tengah melihat langit ke?

p/s: jangan dok mengadap laptop je, nanti bakal suami pun dok mengadap laptop jugak...haha haruu :P

Coretan anda?